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Photography in Manhattan

Updated: May 12, 2022

I moved to Manhattan in 2018 with my family from Toronto, Ontario. Outdoor portrait and in-studio photography can be accomplished everywhere in Manhattan and the surrounding boroughs. Whether you're interested in Street Photography, Fashion or Landscape, this city has it all waiting for you. I personally have grown to love portrait and fashion photography and I take every opportunity possible to shoot people, either in a studio setting or on the street. I welcome every opportunity to shoot amateur and professional models. If you're interested in modelling in New York City and require prints for your portfolio, please go to the contact page of my website.

If you're interested in street photography and want to head out on a shoot, contact me and I will set up a meet. We can shoot this wonderful city in all it's glory. I also have a Meet-Up group called "Manhattan Photography by Michael S. Wentzel". Feel free to join us.

Check back here often for updated photographs and more Blogs about photography.

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